Providing FREE Bibles to All

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Your donation goes where it is needed most.

As a nonprofit organization, we are funded by individual contributions and depend on donations to fulfill our mission. That is how we can provide new, complete, full-size Bibles completely free to the poor, distressed, underprivileged, and those who want to know more about God or the Bible. 



Donate with Givelify

Easy and secure method of payment Perfect for credit or debit card donations.

Donate with PayPal

Easy and secure method of payment Perfect for credit or debit card donations.


Donate with CashApp

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People in the United States and overseas will receive the Bible for free.

We thank the Lord for leading so many to support BluShues so that people in the United States and overseas can receive Bibles for free. Looking for a place to give or tithe? We welcome you to walk beside us in this journey when you give your money, time, and prayers towards this mission. Every activity of BluShues supports making the Word of God available to everyone.

Those who receive our Bibles are grateful for your support. We could not achieve this mission without you. BluShues believes in walking by example and additionally gives back to the community by tithing (donating 10%) our revenue to carefully selected organizations.

BluShues, Inc. is registered as a 501(c)(3) non-profit public charity organization. Contributions are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. EIN 86-3739526.

Recurring donations will be made today and on the same day of each following week, month, quarter, or year. You may cancel or change this amount at any time by contacting Changes to recurring donations may take up to 48 hours. If transactions from your debit or credit card will exceed $3,500 within a 30-day period, please send a check or money order, payable to BluShues, Inc., to 2655 Tidewater Dr. Unit 7171, Norfolk, VA 23509.

Recurring donations will be made today and on the same day of each following week, month, quarter, or year. You may cancel or change this amount at any time by contacting Changes to recurring donations may take up to 48 hours. If transactions from your debit or credit card will exceed $3,500 within a 30-day period, please send a check or money order, payable to BluShues, Inc., to 2655 Tidewater Dr. Unit 7171, Norfolk, VA 23509.